Retreat Countdown - 58 days Chakra Balancing

A Chakra is an energy center in and around the body. We have seven major chakras that run from the base of our spine to the top of our heads. Each of these seven chakras represent different aspects of our being. If over or under energized they are said to be out of balanced and it shows within our bodies and minds. For instance in or throat chakra, out of balance can be represented by someone who talks too much, too fast without any regard for what is happening around them. Conversely it can show up as someone who never speaks up and allows people to run all over them.  In balance, a person will know what to say and when and how to say it. 

One of the benifits of practicing yoga, pranayama, and meditation is clearing theses pathways, balancing them, so that our life force can tap into Divine energy and manifest through them. We are all one. You have the Power

Please join us on retreat! Sign up today - here -  we’re releasing rooms back to the hotel on Monday!

Wishing you Abundant Blessings, Namaste

Count Down to Retreat - 97

This week I'm heading to Bimini Bahamas, but what has me most excited is the retreat we have planed for September 10-14, 2018 in Carlsbad Californina! It's going to be Amazing, relaxing and at the same time transforming. 

What are you willing to do to have the life you want to live? Join us in Cali - You have the power!

Check it out at Azul Yoga RETREATS

Azul Yoga Meditation on YouTube

Sooo I was trying to share with you my YouTube channel and/or a YouTube video that I posted today and this is what I got. The two above links. Yes my site will allow me to share videos and embed but it's not working for me today.  I am a Yogi and my tech skills on some days seem limited. But I must listen to my own advice, what I tell my students is, that some days the best you can do is simply show up. So this is me showing up for you.

Enjoy the meditations I'm posting. They really are better than a coffee break, even with the comic relief of tractors going by at precisely the moment I'm guiding you to peace. It's LIVE, it's real, and it's free.